Monday, July 9, 2012

Seven Tips for Highly Effective Exercisers

This list is from this month's ACSM Health & Fitness Journal. Enjoy!

Seven Tips for Highly Effective Exercisers
1) Just do it. Choose an activity that you enjoy and stick with it. Just because you "don't feel like it" is not a reason not to exercise. Tell yourself that you'll feel better afterward.

Cassandra's two cents: This is definitely my number one tip. I plan what I'm going to do in advance and then I just start doing it, no matter what. Like everyone, there are times when it is easier and harder for me, but 99% of the time once I've started I'm good to go.

2) Don't neglect your feet. Invest in a good pair of exercise sneakers. It's an investment you won't regret!

Cassandra's two cents: I'm a minimalist shoe person myself, but some people swear by the support they get, so figure out what works best for you. I love going bare foot for just about everything, but if you're lifting weights in a crowded gym, that's probably not the place for bare feet, so use your discretion!

3) Timing is everything. Exercise at a time of day that is most convenient. Do not exercise on a full or empty stomach or just before you go to bed. People with depression often experience insomnia, and night time exercise can leave you feeling energetic when you want to sleep. If possible, exercise during daylight hours to also benefit from sunlight.

Cassandra's two cents: I actually almost only exercise at night and it doesn't affect my sleeping, but for some people it does. Find what works for you. I just can't get going in the morning to do a workout right then. If  you can though, it would probably be the ideal time to exercise.

4) Watch out for barriers. Anticipate barriers to exercise, and develop strategies to make exercise as easy and simple as possible. Anticipate barriers - bad weather, work commitments, fatigue, and brainstorm potential solutions.

Cassandra's two cents: This reminds me of "if you fail to plan then plan to fail". If you have a plan in place, you will be far more successful. Sometimes I'll plan my next workout right after my last one when I'm feeling really good and motivated. That way it's already there for me to pick up and do when the motivation hits. Be prepared!

5) Get a buddy. Some people who exercise with a partner enjoy it more and are more likely to stick with it. Also, the social support may have additional beneficial effects.

Cassandra's two cents: I generally agree with this with one exception. Make sure your buddy doesn't like to talk more than exercise. I see a lot of small group workouts end without a single bead of sweat having been produced because there is too much talking and not enough exercising! So just be mindful of what your goal is for the workout and don't get derailed.

6) Think positive. Praise your successes. View lapses in your exercise program as learning opportunities, and don't get discouraged if you miss a session.

Cassandra's two cents: It's not going to perfect or pretty sometimes when you're trying to stick to a goal, so just accept that some setbacks are inevitable so you're not surprised when they rear their ugly heads. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're alone, we have all been there I promise. Focus on the positive and you won't ever fail. You'll be far more motivated to achieve good things than if you punish the bad. I love token economies for positive reinforcement. Assign points to accomplishing certain tasks and create a reward system to cash in with. So for every session you keep you get X points and because you met your calorie goal today you get X points. If you get X points you get a new tank top to exercise in (yay!).

7) Enjoy the moment. Take a minute when you are finished with an exercise session to appreciate how you feel.

Cassandra's two cents: When making habits you need to see the reward in what you're doing to make it stick. Take a moment to focus in on what you have accomplished and it will reinforce your desire to work out next time.

In wellness,
Cassandra Wyzik
Fit To You Brevard
Satellite Beach, Florida

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