Sunday, February 12, 2012

Diet Tracking

I would just like to take a moment to stress AGAIN how important tracking your diet is if you're trying to attain any kind of goal. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain your weight, you need to know what's going into your body. Maybe you have the perfect diet and you eat the same perfect things every single day so tracking your diet isn't for you. No? I didn't think so, because that's not even close to realistic, but tracking your diet is!

There are many diet tracking Apps you can get for your phone that make life so much better. My favorite is My Fitness Pal which I have personally used since August 31, 2011. There are many others, including the ones found HERE, though I can't figure out why My Fitness Pal isn't on there, because it's amazing.

Still not convinced? Well first you need to identify your goal and level of motivation to achieve it.

Goal: Weight loss (good)...lose 15 pounds of fat (better, more specific)
Motivation: I guess it would be nice to look skinnier (vague, not very motivating)...I want to live longer and healthier so I can be there for my children and grandchildren (good! Will be harder to fail)

Goal: Gain muscle (good)....gain 5 pounds of muscle (better!)
Motivation: To look better (maybe ok) be strong enough to pick up my child every day (more motivating!)

Diet Tracking: Well it's simple math:
Calories in = Calories out --> weight stays the same
Calories in < Calories out --> lose weight (fat loss)
Calories in > Calories out --> gain weight (muscle gain)

But what if your equation looks like this:
Calories in ??? Calories out
Do you see my point? My Fitness Pal is FREE and easy to use, stop with the excuses! No matter what your goal is, you need to know what's going in and what is being burned off.

More on goal setting next post!
Cassandra Wyzik
B.S. - ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

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