Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I saw this picture the other day and was like wow, that is really true. It got me thinking about the reasons we don't work out. It's not usually because we don't think we will feel better if we do but because we have so many other things that take priority over our workouts. I do this for a living and it can be very trying to find the time and motivation to exercise at times. I have a 3 year old, 3 part time jobs, and several time consuming hobbies (that usually end up by the wayside more or less) so I get it. 

I would like to encourage you, however, to consider the payoff of our other priorities over exercising. Let's take a few priorities into account: kids, work, doing nothing at all, going out with friends, etc. These are just a few examples, but I think you'll get my point. The fact is, that without our health and ability to get through the day (physically and mentally) nothing else matters. If you disagree I'd love to hear what you think so please comment, but I truly believe "the greatest wealth is health". 

Here are things that would be majorly affected if I never exercised and my health declined, as would inevitably happen: ability to travel, to take care of child, to work, to move about easily, to take care of myself, to drive a car, to feel good, to be productive, paying for medical bills, suffering from sleep problems, etc, etc, the list goes on and on. The point I want to get to (brevity is not my strong suit) is that EVERYTHING is affected if your health declines. Exercise is not quite a panacea but it is VERY helpful to so many things that many of us suffer from every day. Maybe you're watching someone else suffer. 

Exercise (and nutrition, of course) are cornerstones to health. You simply cannot bury your head in the sand and pretend you'll be okay, because you won't. Maybe you have good genetics and it'll work out for you for awhile, but it's all only delaying the inevitable. Do something good for you body every day. It is the only place you HAVE to live and it can be a miserable place if it's not doing well. It will make every single other thing in your life obsolete and cause immense suffering if you do not do something to make your body a healthier place. You are not a garbage can, don't feed yourself garbage. You are not a car, don't park yourself in one place and forget you're there.

Cassandra Wyzik
B.S. - ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

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