Saturday, January 14, 2012


I think that so many of our self esteem issues come from the unrealistic image of what we're "supposed" to look like put forth by the media. Most of these women aren't as flawless as they appear and even the ones who are close have trainers, nutritionists, stylists, and all the money they need to buy any product available that will help them look the way they do. And they have nannies and mannies to take care of the kids so they can work out 3 hours a day and spend an hour with their makeup artist in the morning or whatever else they do to look they way they do. I mean, what mortal woman in the working world (god forbid with kids) can compete?

It's really just as bad for men too. The message to them is chiseled abs, perfect amount of facial hair just here and there, no body hair, etc is the male ideal. But the same holds true for the men of Hollywood et all as for the women. They get paid to look the way they do, do you? Do you have a nanny for your kids so you can go workout every day? Do you have housekeepers and a chef so you don't have to worry about lifting a finger? I highly doubt anyone reading this has said yes to any of the above, because IT'S NOT NORMAL! We get bombarded with the images of an elite few all day and are expected to keep up? Well screw that! I happened across this video today that I think is amazing:

I think the most important thing to note is that the women in the fake commercial before Photoshop look pretty normal, despite the nannies and chefs and trainers and whatever products they use to take the years off. So for all my fellow normal people out there, look in the mirror, love what you see, focus on being healthy above all else, be a good person, and the beauty happens all it's own!

There's a difference between being alive and living!
Cassandra Wyzik
B.S. - ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

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